They can compete with each other, show their typing prowess, support each other among other things. It also integrates social features that help the learners to be able to interact with each other. It offers many typing exercises and lessons for everyone who is interested in typing no matter their typing level. Ratatype is a typing program that is fully online-based. It also utilizes a standardized Common Core curriculum which is useful in producing best results in terms of qualifications. The platform is also interactive and encourages activities like games.

The free teacher portal enables the teacher to supervise students in real time and even watch them as they type.

It is a free typing platform although ads are enabled but can always be removed when the need arises and this does not cost a lot of money.Īccount for each student is created by the teacher in a localized classroom situation whereby only the students can have access. TypingWeb is a renowned free typing tutor on the web that consists of a teacher’s portal which acts as a classroom aid for teaching the appropriate touch typing skills. Among the most notable typing sites include TypingWeb and Ratatype. Most of these sites are free online sites which are useful to both learners and teachers. There are a number of free typing tutors on the web which are most useful when it comes to typing lessons, typing practice and typing tests. Here is a list of 5 best typing tutors for everyone. These can help you to improve typing as well as other aspects of life like salary increases, job satisfaction, improved posture and many other things which will come as a result of mastering the art of typing. There are different types of typing tutors including online typing tutors, typing tutor programs and typing tutor software. Typing tutors are aids that enable users to increase their own typing speed, skills and touch typing techniques.

Keyboarding is always a concern with educators, and one of the most questions is–how do you teach it? Adam Fort, an education strategist at Ratatype, has five ideas:
Websites–for teachers to build websites.